Merry Christmas!
I offer my sincere wishes to each of you on this Christmas day for peace, joy, and love. May you experience and know abundant blessings.
My heart feels expansive at this moment after some significant shifts within as I remember who I am as a child of God…an extension of God…a reflection of God, and as I allow God’s bright light / my bright light to be seen & then to stand in gratitude and awe of this same light in everyone around me as I soften to this beautiful world, breathing in the supreme, divine perfection of all.
This year’s Christmas benefit concert was an opportunity to join in community and to celebrate the sacred that was, that is, and that always will be. I found meaningful connection in gathering with those in attendance and sharing our spirits and energy.
As I shared at the concert, there is indeed much pain in the world; sorrow and sadness can be amplified during the holiday season when there seems to be an expectation of perfect families and jolly activities. There is also much to celebrate. There is peace and love underneath the heartache, and the peace and love can be arrived at when we release resistance and accept our present realities with authenticity and care. I have come to see that it is all about remembering…remembering who we are and accepting our roles as co-authors of our world. Along with God, we are constantly co-creating a world in which hope, peace, and love can thrive and endure. I believe in more than Christmas. I believe that every day is Christmas: a day of birth, of promise, of peace, and of understanding that what might seem imperfect to the naked human eye (a lowly manger / our seemingly broken lives) is to the holy heart perfection and the wellspring of bliss.