During my recent trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico, I went on an evening/night excursion to kayak at the bioluminescent bay in Farjado. Before going on the trip, I read about this area, and I found it fascinating. A high concentration of microscopic organisms called dinoflagellates thrive here. When they are agitated, they glow in the dark, and anything that comes in contact with them also glows. In order to preserve this fragile ecosystem, swimming is no longer allowed in this bay, but if a person did swim, it would appear that the person was glowing.
I found it worth going on this trip in order to experience the bioluminescence first hand. Unfortunately, it does not come out well on photographs, but I can assure you that the water really does light up and glow when the kayak paddle comes in contact with it, when you scoop your hand into the water, and whenever a fish goes by. Sometimes the advertisements for a tourist attraction are much more exciting than the actual place, but in this case, the experience really does live up to the claims that they make.
This was the first time that I had ever been out in a two-person kayak. It was also the first time that I ever kayaked at night. One of my favorite parts of the trip was going through the narrow channel that was completely tree-covered. It was pitch black; it was only possible to see the tiny little glow ring on the kayak that was in front of you. As interesting as it would have been to see this new area and take in the natural beauty of this tropical environment, it was thrilling and surreal to know that I was in the middle of a channel off of the Farjado Bay in the tropical rain forest biome…but to not be able to see any of it. I knew that I was traveling through the mangrove forest into the lagoon, surrounded by tropical foliage, and even knew that mosquitos were likely flying all around me…but could not actually see anything. Yet, I felt it all in my body, and it was powerful and peaceful. My inability to see it with my eyes but my general knowledge of what was surrounding me in this environment allowed me to experience this on a different level. It reminded me of faith – not seeing, but believing. In other blog posts, I’ve written about letting go of control, accepting that we don’t have all the answers…and trusting. This late night kayak excursion allowed me to experience the comfort that comes when I let go of knowing.

kayaks ready to go out on the water in Farjado