Voice Lifted in the New Year

As we transition from 2014 to 2015, I look back on my Voice Lifted journey in this past year and look ahead to where I hope to take my music making in the upcoming year.

My Christmas Benefit Concert on Sunday, December 7th was a success.  It was a great experience to perform in the newly remodeled Tamaqua Community Arts Center.  I was delighted to connect with the wonderful audience who came out that day, and I am thrilled that the event provided support to the Tamaqua Blue Raider Foundation as well as the Community Arts Center.  I look forward to seeing these two organizations continue to serve our community in the coming year.

2014 brought the release of my second album Voice Lifted at Christmas.  This album is now available for sale online (download or CD) at this link.  My first CD Voice Lifted is also available here.  Downloads of the music from my Christmas CD are also available at Amazon.  Additionally, Voice Lifted at Christmas is available in streaming format on Spotify.  

In 2014, I greatly enjoyed many performances at private events, community events, and at churches.  I am excited to continue these in 2015.  For those who like to plan ahead, I am announcing the date for my 2015 Christmas Benefit Concert at the Tamaqua Community Arts Center – Sunday, December 6th, 2015.  I will be announcing other public performances throughout the year, but I wanted to get that date out right away, as I have loved hearing that some people are now making my benefit concert an annual Christmas tradition.

I also plan on additional performances in the new year with my music partner Tom Flamini.  Right now, we are preparing for a February 8, 2015 performance at Providence Place in Pottsville.

In the upcoming year, I also plan to continue blogging.  I plan to do that with more regularity, as I know that writing is a wonderful source of creative expression for me, and I enjoy sharing my journey with others on the path.  Additionally, many ideas are floating around my mind for live performances and recording possibilities.

For me personally, 2014 was a year that brought many challenges and much growth, and I see 2015 as a building year.  I believe that there will be much opportunity to take all of the lessons of 2014, allow myself to start at the place at which I am, and create much from the bottom up in this new year with faith and trust as the foundations.  Many of those around me have expressed similar feelings about 2014 being a year that involved much tearing down, shaking up of things, a lot of confusion, “a year that brought us to our knees,” and a year that was like a roller coaster ride.  I am envisioning and holding 2015 as a building year for myself and for those around me, for anyone who chooses to embrace this intention.

New Year’s Blessings to all of you and to those with whom your share your hearts and your lives.


One hug away

one free hug

Today marks the last day of Mental Illness Awareness Week (October 5-11, 2014.)  Today is also two months from the date of Robin Williams’ death, following his depression and suicide.  I wrote this spoken-word poem in August 2014 as part of my reflection after learning of Robin Williams’ journey.


I am one sigh away from hopeless.

One tear away from despair,

One bead of sweat away from exhaustion,

One track away from derailment,

One choice away from regret.


I am one pop-up ad away from a virus,

One dollar sign away from bankruptcy,

One digit away from a wrong number,

One dropped ball away from defeat.


I am one accusation away from indictment,

One degree away from the flames,

One vote away from impeachment,

One storm away from disaster.


My voice is growing louder;  my words are getting faster.


I am one heartbeat away from tachycardia,

One shock away from electrocution,

One mistake away from failure,

One bell toll away from the funeral.


I am one doubt away from a lost cause,

One signature away from resignation,

One sin away from the devil,

One broken bone away from a body cast,

One click away from ‘game over.’


I am running on fumes.

I am one key turn away from combustion,

One dress size away from losing my dignity,

One pulse away from abortion,

One hug away from good-bye.


I am one tragedy away from recognizing that we are all vulnerable, and no one is immune.


You today, me tomorrow,

Me today, you tomorrow.

Me, You, You, Me.

Today, Tomorrow, Now.


On the border straddling peace and chaos.

One foot planted on the balance beam.

It’s that close of a call.


We are all one rabbit pull away from the magic show.

Pull, pull, make him appear.

One hop away from sticking our landing.

My feet are shaking.

Look up, child.  Catapult.

Accept that we stand on moving ground.


We are one vow away from marriage,

One paint stroke away from mastery,

One dime away from a dollar,

One contraction away from birth,

One detour away from an amazing destination.


We are all one sunbeam away from a rainbow,

One sensation away from ecstasy,

One prayer away from salvation,

One Hallelujah away from Heaven,

One leap of faith away from enlightenment.


When you are one x away from y,

things can go either way.

It can happen to you, to me, to them, to us.

Listen.  Look around.  Practice gratitude.  Practice love.


Anxiety, depression, people.

It’s about people.  It’s about heart.

You are not alone.  I see in.


He was one laugh away from you and me.

He was one smile away from healing.

And we are too.


Please don’t judge what you haven’t experienced.

It’s no more foreign than French fries and French kisses.

We are all one heartfelt hug away from each other.

There are only two things you need to say,

“You matter,” and “I care.”


Copyright © 2014 by Susan M. Featro, Voice Lifted.  All Rights Reserved.

Recommitment to Love




To the man I witnessed on my walk, screaming at his dog and picking him up by his neck in anger after the dog had run ahead of him out the door…


It really bothered me when I witnessed you yell in such anger at your pet and then chase after him and pick him up by his neck.  As I took a walk yesterday with my friend, I was walking with a heavy heart.  I had just spent some quiet time with my cat Song who only has a short time left with my family.  She has an oral tumor.  I had just cleaned out the clear drainage from her eye that moistened her nose bridge & turned to God with a tear in my eye and prayed that Song would not suffer and that we would make the decisions that were best for her.  I had just knelt down to pet Song and felt barely able to stand up again, as my whole body felt shaky in allowing myself to feel the fear about what comes next.  I noticed I was barely breathing as I stood face to face with the frailty and fragility of life.


I tell you this not to make you sad.  I tell you this to urge you to celebrate.  Celebrate yourself, and celebrate your dog.  Celebrate your time together.  Celebrate even his misbehaviors, because they are signs of life.  When he runs excitedly out the door, forgetting that he’s supposed to wait for you, overcome by the excitement of a beautiful, sunny day, fresh air, and people passing by, call him back and run after him with love in your heart, and then hug him.  Hug him, and let him know you care.  Let him know your life is better, because he’s with you.  Let him know you’ll be with him until the end and will cradle his head as he takes his last breaths, remembering the times you played together and holding close to your heart that still frame of his furry face, reconnecting with that sweet feeling of walking in the door and knowing someone missed you and could not contain his excitement that you were home again.


I am not a judgmental person.  I do not wish to criticize your ability to parent your dog, and I do not intend to chastise you as a person.  I freely and willingly admit that I have been overwhelmed by life at many points, frustrated when others didn’t listen to me, tired of stuff going wrong again and again.  I have screamed, said things I didn’t mean, and have hurt people whom I care about.  I’ve been at my wit’s end.  I’ve made choices that have been rooted in fear and resentment.  I have approached tender hearts with violent words that raged and wounded.  I’ve been broken and breathless after life threw incredible twists my way.  And eventually, I returned to love.  Thankfully, I returned to love.


My letter here is an invitation and a reminder.  Please take some time today and look in the eyes of those you love – humans and pets.  Simply and quietly say, “I love you.”  Say anything else that’s on your heart.  Breathe together.  Enjoy the sensations as you stroke your lover’s skin or pet your best friend’s fur, and know this moment is a gift that will not always be available to you.  Vow to hug more often.  Slow down and make time for walks outside and playful exchanges.  Remember to laugh at silly things.  Appreciate.  Wag more and bark less.  Purr more and hiss less.  Forgive.  Allow for mistakes – on others’ part and on your part.  And if you are a person who prays, please offer up a prayer for my cat Song and for me and for every pet who is facing health challenges and approaches his or her final days.  Send some positive energy out to those pet parents who are taking their dogs for that final walk and loading their cats into a carrier to get that lethal injection because the suffering has grown too unbearable and there is no cure.  And I will think of you in a wave of compassion and bless you and your dog.  Thank you for reading this, and thank you for inspiring my reflection and my recommitment to love across the board.


Copyright © 2014 by Susan M. Featro, Voice Lifted.  All Rights Reserved.


Too Busy


It’s been a while since I’ve blogged.  I’ve been busy.  Too busy…

I recently traveled to a conference in Portland, Oregon.  The conference was great, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Portland and in the area surrounding the city.  In planning for this trip, I knew I would be very active during my time in Portland, attending conference sessions and seeing as much of the area as possible: the waterfalls in the Columbia River Gorge area, Portland’s Chinese Garden, the Japanese Garden, the Rose Garden, the famous Powell’s Bookstore, and more.  Because I knew I’d be tired from the traveling, I thought ahead and cancelled several of my regularly scheduled weekly activities in the days following my return home from this trip.

Arranging for a lighter schedule as I adjusted to the time zone shift, worked on unpacking, and reunited with my cats at home was really a good decision.  As a conscious spiritual being who is on a journey toward health and wholeness, I try to practice good self care.  Sometimes I do well, but other times I put other people’s requests in front of my well-being and end up cutting my sleeping time short as I rush to meet deadlines and help others out.  This was a time when I succeeded in doing what was good for me. But it went beyond that…

Not only did this extra time to get settled back in after my trip allow me to readjust without the stress I had experienced on other occasions on which I “hit the ground running” and jumped right back into it all.  In addition to that, I noticed that I was breathing more freely and feeling less tension in my body.  It was clear that I felt lighter and more joyful…and even more creative and inspired…as I went through my days.  I enjoyed the opportunity to sit for a while with a book or with my journal and go into that introspective and reflective space that I love.  I saw that I was more in touch with my body, and I was making better choices, as my head felt clearer.  I felt more optimistic.  I was more engaged in the activities I was doing.  I took notice of more that was around me, taking in the beauty of the earth springing to life and the ring of a passerby’s laugh.  I even got to take a little extra time and spontaneously accept an invitation from a friend to spend some time together.  Just a few extra hours in my week made a big difference, for sure.

Upon reflecting on these noticings, I knew I would have to use this information to make some changes to my days.  I also probed myself to explore the meaning behind the choices I had made to arrive at such a busy schedule in the first place.  I remembered some sage and powerful words from my spiritual mentor Brene Brown about how we can erroneously equate busyness with self-worth and see exhaustion as a status symbol.

I believe that many of us, especially women, participate in this race for worthiness, believing that it’s not enough to simply be; believing we have to do…buying into that false belief that we have something to prove.  When we don’t trust in our own inherent self worth and goodness, we look outside of ourselves for validation.  It can (temporarily) elevate our self-esteem when we are “in demand” in our jobs or in the community.  I’ve heard many people comment on how good it feels to be needed by their partners or family members.

Similarly, I’ve witnessed friends and family members accept invitations that they really didn’t want to accept, because they felt guilty saying that they’d rather stay at home and do a crossword puzzle or take a relaxing bath.  Peer pressure is alive & well in the adult world, too.  I think of the judgments that some mothers place on other mothers who are not driving their children to Mandarin lessons and baking for the soccer boosters’ fundraiser.  Why do we push each other to go beyond what is reasonable?  What would it be like to instead affirm others’ choices to take good care of themselves, whatever that looks like at any particular time?

It is a process to step back from the mad rush.  It takes practice to get good at saying “no.”  One thing that helps is to remind myself that every time I say “no” to something that I don’t have time for or something that doesn’t absolutely light me up, I am saying “yes” to myself.

I’ll be blogging soon again.  Maybe the next post will be composed as I enjoy a glass of fresh-brewed iced tea while sitting in the sunroom with a cat on my lap…  I am getting better and better at taking it easy!

Beginner’s Mind



“Beginner’s Mind” is a concept in Zen Buddhism that refers to having an open mind, a positive & enthusiastic attitude, and approaching an activity or subject free from preconceptions (as would a beginner who knows nothing about the topic.)  I find it to be a good practice to take this approach as often as possible, in all tasks.  Even if we have quite a lot of experience in a particular area, to approach a task as a beginner:  going in open to new possibilities and discoveries, not holding on to those mess-ups of the past, not expecting any particular outcome.  It can be quite refreshing…and can lead us to have fun, to learn new ways of doing things, to break out of familiar routines, to be creative, to challenge ourselves, and to fall in love again with activities we’ve done time & time again.


I recently decided to learn to play a new instrument.  As an undergraduate music education major, I was required to learn the basics on all of the instruments in the woodwinds, brass, percussion, and string families.  As part of my coursework, I had to be able to play 2 scales and an elementary level song on each instrument.  When I had taken the semester of strings, I particularly enjoyed the violin.  I even took a few lessons on violin over one summer as a college student.  Now, more than ten years later, I have decided that I’d like to study the violin again.  I’ve begun taking lessons with Simon Maurer, who is a spectacularly talented musician and who is an incredible teacher.  He is a founding member of the Gabriel Chamber Ensemble and is also the conductor of Sunday Sinfonia, based out of the Lancaster area.  Simon gave me the invitation to play with this group for the spring 2014 concert season.


Upon receiving this invitation, I was excited but nervous.  I was sounding pretty decent on “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and was making progress on “Minuet in G,” but I had serious doubts about my ability to play any of the orchestra music for the second violin section…most importantly to not get in the way of the rest of the (more experienced) players in the orchestra in their process of creating a beautiful sound.  But I knew that I wanted to join in the music-making with Sunday Sinfonia.  It just sounded fun.  And I thought it would be a good challenge for me…musically and spiritually.


With my primary instruments being voice, piano, and organ, I have never played in a marching band or concert band.  I’ve performed as part of small ensembles, but that is a very different experience than being part of a large group led by a conductor.  I knew that playing with an orchestra would offer me a different kind of musical challenge, and I trusted that this challenge would strengthen my musicianship across the board.


I also welcomed the opportunity to be a beginner.  I know, for a fact, that I am the weakest player in the group.  That means that there is so much that I can learn from being around everyone else and attempting to play with them.  Last Sunday, I attended the first rehearsal for this group, and it was a learning experience, for sure.  I was out of my comfort zone.  By the time I figured out where my first few notes were and positioned the bow, the orchestra was already past that place…and then I had to try to figure out where in the score they were…and that wasn’t an easy task, as orchestra music doesn’t have words…and the first violins right next to me were playing different notes and different rhythms, and … !  Deep breaths.  And so much appreciation for this new experience.


Even when I failed, it was a delightful and glorious experience.  I went in knowing that I would not play a flawless anything.  And I was far from flawless;  clueless was more like it, at times.  I went in with the simple goal of fully having this experience:  being in the moment, taking it all in, and growing from it.  I succeeded in doing that!


In addition to the musical and spiritual benefits that this new adventure involves, I also am enjoying the process of getting to know the other members of the orchestra.  It was great to get to meet other musicians and talk during our snack & break time.  At this first rehearsal, I began talking to another violinist about my initial reaction to the rehearsal, and she found it refreshing that I admitted to being flustered and unable to play the majority of the notes in any of the songs.  That led us to talk about the common tendency among musicians (and people in general) to pretend to have it all together, and we also talked about the topic of performance anxiety.  Then I made a connection to vulnerability and fitting in versus belonging, mentioning one of my prime spiritual mentors Brene Brown.  My new friend was very interested in my thoughts on this, and she was even familiar with the work of Brene Brown.  That made me feel, even more, like I was indeed part of a community of fellow musicians and human beings, dedicated to growth.


Part of the practice of beginner’s mind is to release expectations.  In my case with playing the violin, that is pretty easy.  I don’t expect much of myself.  I’m so inexperienced that I don’t really know what to expect.  I’m just trying my best and having fun with the instrument.  With my primary instruments and with other activities at which I have a greater proficiency, I most certainly have expectations for myself, and sometimes those expectations stifle creativity, freeze me, and prevent me from fully enjoying the experience.  Returning to beginner’s mind, I remind myself to let go of those expectations and to simply be engaged in the task and to allow myself to be surprised by whatever directions things go in and whatever progress I make.


I hope to become more accomplished at playing the violin as I continue to take lessons and play as part of Sunday Sinfonia, but I intend to keep my beginner’s mind toward my playing of the violin as well as other activities, approaching each task with that openness and that willingness to start fresh, to explore, and to learn & grow.

~ Copyright © 2014 by Susan M. Featro, Voice Lifted.  All rights reserved.

Christmas Eve – Subject to Change

I have served as the church musician at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lansford for over 10 years now.  Our church has always had an 8:00 pm Christmas Eve service. Last night, snow squalls and black ice prevented us from having our traditional Christmas Eve church service. Some unexpected snow led to accidents…which led to road closures. My father and I attempted to get to the church, but we came to a point where the police directed us to turn around; a portion of Route 209 was closed. Our pastor also was unable to make it to church, as part of Route 443 was closed. While it was disappointing to not be together with our parish family celebrating Christ’s birth through prayer, Scripture, song, and communion, it was much better to play it safe and stay off of the slick roads.


There are those things in life over which we have no control. Most of us are quite good at planning. We organize, design, create, and put structure to our homes, our work, our days, our gatherings, our lives. And then…life happens. Often times, life has other plans. And often times, we don’t understand them. But I think that’s part of God’s plan…to remind us to let go & realize that we are not in control. Our job is to be our best selves and make the best choices with what we are given…just like Mary and Joseph did on that holy day in Bethlehem.


If Mary and Joseph were to choose a time and a place for the son of God to be born, I am certain they wouldn’t have named a tiny stable in Bethlehem on a cold winter’s night as the ideal conditions for Jesus’s birth. They were not prepared and didn’t want the blessed birth to turn out like that. But the circumstances were what they were…and things turned out okay…even better than okay. Mary and Joseph did their part and trusted and prayed. And that’s what we can do, too.


So often in life, we shape and sculpt our environment and have very neatly packaged visions of how we want everything to flow. Sometimes things flow as we have predicted and planned, but other times the weather, timing, other people, and so many other factors change things around, and we must go from there. But the good news is that on many occasions the outcome is better than we could have ever imagined.


Many times, the shift in plans leads us to enjoy it all more. We relax our shoulders as we let go of the rigid blueprint we had been holding. We laugh at how our serious and well-intended game plan was turned upside down. And we take joy in the connections we make with others as we bond over the unpredictable circumstances. Something about uncertainty brings us together, as we realize that none of us have it all together & we all can bring a lot to each other’s lives as we support each other in this unpredictable and sometimes crazy life journey. Besides, memories are made out of missed flights, unannounced visits, improvised recipes, detours, creative alternatives, unscheduled stops, and those minor mishaps that keep us on our toes. I’m convinced that God has a sense of humor.


A belated Christmas liturgy is still possible, and silent meditation and reflection has power. There are so many possibilities, but what matters is that the Christ child was born…not where or when or how he was born. And he lives in our hearts if we are open to His power, His plan, and keeping the faith, including all of the vulnerability and mystery that is inherent in faith.


Merry Christmas!

Above is a photo of the Christmas tree at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bowmanstown, where I played a later Christmas Eve service (after roads re-opened.)


I remember last year seeing a few friends doing daily November posts on Facebook regarding what they were grateful for, but this year, I saw so many friends doing this.  I am not a person who posts regularly on Facebook, but this year, I committed to participating in this November of Gratitude practice, because I found these posts from others to be touching and inspiring.  I am glad that I did.  I now want to post all of these here as a blog post and again share my gratitude.  There is indeed much for which I am grateful.


November 1 – I am grateful for those who speak and share their gratitude. I think so often people feel gratitude…but do not voice it. It makes a difference when people notice what is right in the world and voice their appreciation for people and experiences and things.

November 2 – Today I attended a friend’s wedding. I am grateful for the gift of love…in all varieties: in intimate partnerships, in friendships, in families, between strangers, the gift of self-love, and the infinite love that God has for us.

November 3 – I am grateful that my parents moved at the end of last year to a beautiful and comfortable new home. They are enjoying living in their ranch home “in the country,” and I love to spend time with them at the new house. It is just right for them, and I love the new house as much as they love it!

November 4 – I am grateful for my good health. With 2 parents who work in the medical field, I have always been aware of the value of good health – how life has an ease & flow to it when it is present & what a struggle even the “ordinary” is when health problems arise. This past year, with the incidental finding of my pituitary tumor, I have become even more appreciative of good health, as I have not needed medicine or surgery for this & feel well and fully alive. 

November 5 – I am grateful for the gift of music. Music serves as a vehicle for me to communicate with others. Music gives us a means to celebrate, to mourn, to express all that is within us…when words alone are insufficient. Music has inspired me. Music cheers me up & brings me to tears, as it is a platform that allows for deeply feeling the entire spectrum of emotions. Music transforms. Music creates memories. Music leads us to dance and to connect with others. Music adds life to the world.

November 6 – I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to travel. In traveling, I have learned so much – about nature, about history, about people & cultures, about myself. I have been mesmerized by the beauty that exists in our world. I have been exposed to some incredible places and experiences. I have had wonderful and memorable times with family members, friends, and strangers. I’ve had trips that were packed full of adventures and sights, and I’ve had restful trips that refreshed my spirit. I am thankful for the trips I’ve taken near & far and the way they have shaped me.

November 7 – I am grateful for the mistakes I’ve made, because I have learned important and powerful lessons from them…lessons I would not have learned in any other way.

November 8 – I am grateful for friendship and for my friends…for those people who love me, not despite my vulnerability & imperfections, but because of my vulnerability & imperfections. I am thankful for all who have chosen to journey with me, who have come to know me for who I am & shared of yourself with me. We don’t need others to fill us up, heal our wounds, or spend time with us…but life sure is amazing and wonderful when we walk together and support each other, help each other to grow, listen to each other, and let each other know that we care. I thank you, my friends, for our connection and for the power and beauty of that.

November 9 – I am grateful for InterPlay. InterPlay is a practice that helps to unlock the wisdom in our bodies. Through improvised movement, storytelling, and vocalizing, InterPlayers share of ourselves with others & witness others in their fullness. We play – yes, adults NEED play. We thrust, hang, shape, and swing. We stop to notice. We cry together. We do deep work that allows us to be our best selves in the world.

November 10 – I am grateful for my faith and for how it grown, been challenged, and deepened. There are very few constants in this world, but God is a constant in my life. My faith is multi-faceted, and I am always learning and being guided as I continue to hold my heart open to what is beyond our current understanding. I am thankful for those who have supported me in my faith and for those who inspire me by the strength of your faith and your passion for God & for living life in a way that honors God’s power and graces.

November 11 – I am grateful for those who do what they do with passion…for those who stood for what they believed in and served their country with honor, for those who care for the sick with skill and compassion, for those who teach and know the power of their work is in the lives that they touch, for those who care about each task they do – no matter how large or small. We all need each other, and we each are affected by the choices that others make, as they are affected by the choices we make. When we are mindful and passionate about what we do in our workplaces, at school, in our homes, and in the community, we all benefit. Being with others who are passionate about what they do heightens my passion for all that I am doing & makes me feel fully alive, reminding me of how we are all in this together…and that is a privilege and a joy.

November 12 – I am grateful for my parents – Joseph and Jane. As an only child, I’ve always had a close relationship with my parents. My parents have taught me so much – by word and by example. Their love for me is unconditional, and I know that they are always there for me. I am extremely blessed now to live 15 minutes away from my parents, so I see them often, and we continue to share our lives together and support each other. There are no words to adequately express the depth of my gratitude for all that my parents are & all that they have done for me.

November 13 – I am grateful for my extended family. I have a small family, and we do not get together often, but when we do connect, it is always so special and wonderful. I love these people dearly, and I wish we could be together much more often. My memories of times with them, even brief conversations, mean so much to me, and I so often think of these dear family members. I will always hold them close to my heart.

November 14 – I am grateful for my teachers…those who have formally instructed me in school, in lessons, in workshops, etc. as well as those who have informally instructed me through conversation, example, and experiences shared. I believe that we are all teachers for each other in life: we all have much to teach and share and offer & and we all have much to learn from each other if we are open to the learning.

November 15 – I am grateful for my black cat Macy. Macy and I have been together for 11 months. She came into my life after she showed up on Thanksgiving day at our veterinarian’s sister’s house, as they were watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. (That’s how she got her name.) She was starving and had an injured paw. Dr. Kropp did surgery, and Macy had part of her paw removed & a little blue cast put on her leg. She has brought such joy to my life, and I love her dearly. I’ve never had a black kitty before & have never had a real “lap cat” before. She meows for every meal, and she has an amazing personality and heart. She gets around very well despite her minor handicap, and she inspires me daily.

November 16 – I am grateful for social media – grateful that it allows me to connect with family members on a regular basis whom I otherwise might have only seen or talked to once in a great while, grateful that it allows me to keep in touch with classmates and friends whom I otherwise might have lost touch with. I am thankful that Facebook and Twitter make it possible for me to keep updated with what is going on in friends’ lives and accompany friends on their journeys – through excitements, through losses, through the wonderful and crazy everyday moments…and even to see pictures of family events, travels, and much more. I can hear what’s on people’s minds & learn new things about them that might not have come up in an ordinary conversation. Through Facebook and Twitter, I have come to know things that I have in common with various friends, have come to deepen relationships over shared interests and passions, continued friendships with friends across the world, and have come to meet new people.

November 17 – I am grateful for all that reading has brought to my life. I have read to be entertained; I have read to learn; I have read to be moved, inspired, and stretched out of my comfort zone. I am drawn to the psychology and self help section & have read some amazingly powerful and motivational books and articles that have shaped me and transformed me, word by word. Reading makes it possible for me to experience things I would not have ever experienced in my lifetime and allows me to understand others who are different from me…and helps me to better understand myself. I am in a state of flow and at ease when I read. Reading is a privilege and a pleasure. I know that I will continue to be thankful as I continue to read and discover.

November 18 – I am grateful for all of the students whom I have taught. I have come to meet some amazing human beings – in my K-12 teaching, in my university teaching, in my teaching of music lessons, in workshops I have led, and in choirs I have directed. Each one of these students has brought something special to my life, has helped me to understand the world differently, and has taught me as I have taught them. Teaching involves trust and vulnerability, and I appreciate each opportunity I have had to teach others & I appreciate all that I have learned in the process. The learning has been very often fun, sometimes intense, and always worthwhile.

November 19 – I am grateful for the way that writing has touched my life. I remember enjoying writing as a child…but I then came to see writing as ‘just something you had to do for school.’ It wasn’t my favorite type of schoolwork to do, either… My participation in the Northeastern Pennsylvania Writing Project Summer Institute several years ago helped me to again fall in love with writing as a creative way to express myself and a way to process my thoughts and feelings. I love journaling, writing letters, composing poems and free writing, and doing blog posts. Writing has helped me to find my voice and has allowed me to connect with others and enjoy the infinite surprising and real ways that words can combine to make and convey meaning.

November 20 – I am grateful for second chances.

November 21 – I am grateful for smiles and acts of kindness. Those can turn a person’s day around & really make a difference in the world. In our fast-paced world, people can feel so disconnected, and life can feel so fragmented. Each smile, each act of kindness connects us to each other and spreads humanity and positivity.

November 22 – I am grateful for everyone who is supporting my upcoming Holiday Benefit Concert…for those who are going around to area businesses & hanging posters, for those who are spreading the word about my concert to friends and neighbors, for those who will set up at the Community Arts Center for the event, for those who will help out on the day of the concert, for those who will attend and be in the audience that day, for those who are unable to attend but are still supporting the organizations by purchasing a ticket, for those who will join me on stage for a guest performance. I am passionate about making music, and I am passionate about the work of the Tamaqua Blue Raider Foundation & the Tamaqua Community Arts Center. It means so much to me to see the overwhelming support I am receiving as I prepare for this big event, and I am filled with gratitude.

November 23 – I am grateful for good food. (Had to include this one – I really love to eat, and there’s no question about it: I appreciate good food!)

November 24 – I am grateful for hugs and physical contact. As human beings, giving and receiving touch is necessary and supportive of our well-being. Through a hug, we bless another person with our body & spirit, and we convey our care.

November 25 – I am grateful for challenging situations, challenging relationships, and the struggles I’ve faced in my life, because these have led to the most learning and growth.

November 26 – I am grateful that my mother allowed me to be present with my grandmother (Dorothea Teter, whom I called “Mom”) as she died on December 24 when I was 10 years old. I cherish each moment that I had with my grandmother in her good health…and when she was sick and then in a coma. Being with my grandmother and not being shielded from what was going on was a gift, and this experience shaped me to this day, allowing me to see what really matters in life.

November 27 – I am grateful for likes and comments on my posts. I find it so uplifting to know that someone has read my FB post or blog post & acknowledged it. I don’t get to see and/or talk to most of my FB friends on a daily basis, but it is always a delight to see a friend’s name appear via a like or comment. I enjoy reading others’ posts and acknowledging them in this same way.

November 28 – I am thankful for gratitude expressed, gratitude embodied, gratitude shared. I believe that most of us are grateful for a whole lot on a regular basis, but we don’t always express, embody, and share our gratitude – because of the busyness of our everyday lives, because we fear others will see us as too sentimental or “too much,” because we don’t notice what’s going well in the world until it’s not going well, because we are already figuring out how to return the favor, on and on…so many reasons. On this holiday of thanksgiving, during this month of November, and throughout all of our days, we have the opportunity to express, embody, and share our gratitude. I have witnessed so many friends and family members and strangers do that…and I am touched, inspired, and moved by it. Gratitude is not something to keep to ourselves…it’s something to expose, something to give voice to, something to celebrate. I have seen gratitude blossom and multiply, and I am filled with gratitude for the gratitude I’ve witnessed.

November 29 – I am grateful for my resilience and my willingness to learn and grow from each and every life experience.

November 30 – I am grateful for my imagination & my dreams & my desire to always create & to make what exists better. I’m not one to do anything on a small scale, and once I set an intention, I’m not afraid to work hard to actualize what I am envisioning. I’m thankful that I have infinite ideas and desires and dreams and the courage & determination to move in the direction of these.






While pop music is definitely not what I prefer listening to, a friend recently introduced me to the song “Brave” by Sara Bareilles, and I must admit that I kind of like the song.  The melody and rhythms are pretty catchy, and the lyrics to this song are powerful.


The song begins by pointing to the power of words.  It then continues to encourage listeners to be brave by speaking out and not holding back on what we truly want to say.  In the music video, there are many scenes of people of all ages and backgrounds dancing freely in public places.


I believe that this message of allowing our authentic selves to be heard and seen is important for all of us.  It’s not just teenagers who shy away from being themselves in order to fit in.  I believe that it is a societal tragedy that the majority of people restrain themselves from free expression in speech and movement and action, because they have become better at listening to others than listening to themselves.


When I teach young children, I see how freely they sing, dance, and tell ther stories.  I see how they don’t question how others are going to judge them before they assert themselves into the world.  As they get older, they hear those first words of feedback.  Praise by parents and teachers, correction by adults, or ridicule by peers then influence how they behave in the future.  There is now a combination of voices that guide them as they make choices and interact with others.


Sadly it is easy to lose touch with one’s own voice and to squelch one’s impulse to dance and play and live fully.  It takes a lot of courage to say what we want to say and to live our lives from the inside out.  I am lucky to belong to a wonderful tribe of friends who are committed to being brave and who support each other in this, even when it is most challenging.  We know each other and give each other a hard time if we know that one of us is shrinking and “going along with” rather than being brave and speaking and acting with integrity, passion, and conviction.


So often, the path of least resistance is to follow along the same path as others, to say what we think others want us to say, to do what we think others expect of us.  Instead, being brave is choosing to sing our own songs, dance our own dances, and tell our own stories.  Judy Garland urged, “Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.”  In order to do that, we must be brave.

Falling on Purpose


I tried stand-up paddleboarding for the first time on the Friday before school started. It was one of those things that I just wanted to try once, and I thought, “If I end up being able to stand, that would be cool,” but I didn’t really expect that I would get to standing.


My first time on the board was with Ruth from the L.L. Bean Center Valley Discovery School.  I went out on Lake Nockamixon as part of a group of 5.  After going over the basic terminology and the safety procedures, we practiced going from kneeling to standing when the boards were set out on dry land.  Then we took the boards to the water.  After we paddled out on our knees, our instructor invited us to shift from kneeling to standing when we were ready.  I watched some of the others in the class go to standing, and they did fine.  Their success was honestly a little distressing, because I really didn’t want to be the first in the group to fall into the water.  I was rationalizing that it wouldn’t be such a big deal if someone else fell in & then I did, too.  I just didn’t want to be the first one to lose my footing.  Everyone else was standing, so it was time to try this…I stood up, and it was a very strange feeling.  My legs felt shaky, but I got more comfortable as I went along.  I enjoyed this experience so much that I started looking into when I could go out again.  I checked if there was anywhere closer to home where I could go out paddleboarding.


Last Friday evening, I went to Lake Harmony.  I had my second lesson with Morgan from Pocono Paddle & Fitness.  At first, I was nervous;  I thought I made a bad choice to go out for a lesson on Labor Day weekend when the lake was exceptionally busy with boat traffic, including people on jet skis.  I ended up having a wonderful time again!  As Morgan and I paddled on our knees to a calmer cove, we chatted and got to know each other.  I was feeling comfortable and excited after reaching the cove and got right up to standing.  Then, I practiced going back to my kness and back to standing again and again…and even learned a different way of getting to standing – the “pop-up.”  I then remained standing for the rest of my time out on the lake.  We travelled around the lake and then went back to where we started.  I even navigated some decent-size waves from passing boats along the way.


When I did these two lessons, I asked both instructors if it would be possible for me to fall into the water “on purpose,” so that I could practice getting back on the board…just in case I ever fell off in the future.  Both instructors agreed that this was a great idea.  I believed that it would be much better to fall on purpose and to learn how to get back on the board when I was with an experienced instructor and while it was not an “emergency.”  If I had actually lost my balance and fallen off of the board, I would have possibly been upset with myself or scared, and those emotions would likely have impacted my ability to get back on the board.  Now, I know what to do if that ever happens, and I know that it’s not a big deal at all.  I got back on the board easily.  And the falling part was pretty fun, too!


Falling on purpose…just to prove to myself that I can handle any future spills I might take.  That gave me confidence.  I know that it’s not practical to do trial “falls” in every situation we might encounter in life, and I’m not advocating that we dress rehearse tragedy.  Yet, it’s healthy to recognize that we will sometimes stand tall and we will sometimes fall…and when we fall, we can get back up again.  Resilience allows us to live life fully – we can navigate both the ups and the downs with grace.  We can be there to support others and cheer them on, and we can allow others to support us and cheer us on.  This time, I fell on purpose.  I know I will fall again, and it will not always be “on purpose,” but I know that I will make it back up to standing, and I will keep growing and living fully and welcoming new experiences and new challenges into my life.

Stand-Up Paddleboarding at Lake Harmony

Copyright © 2013 by Susan M. Featro, Voice Lifted

Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zones

I have mentioned InterPlay before in my blogging.  I am grateful for the opportunity I have every week to participate in an InterPlay class at Wellspring Holistic Center in Stroudsburg, PA.  InterPlay is an active, creative way of tapping into the wisdom of the body through improvised movement, storytelling, and dance.  The group of people who come together to participate in our InterPlay classes is truly a family – a perfectly imperfect circle of men and women who are committed to supporting each other in personal growth through embracing play and vulnerability.


Our topic of exploration at class for the past two weeks has been stepping out of our comfort zone.  We have participated in powerful and moving explorations through movement, through story, and through song;  these have been full of tears and laughter and heartfelt sharing that was spontaneous and creative and rich in wisdom and beauty.


One thing I know for sure is that it’s not easy to step outside of one’s comfort zone.  I struggle with doing this, fearing that I will not be a success, fearing judgment and ridicule by others, and fearing rejection and abandonment.  Those are major risks!  Yet, I know that if I don’t step out of my comfort zone, I will miss out on many experiences that could be very rewarding and truly awesome…and I could end up “in a rut” if I don’t take those risks.  I know that…but/and I hesitate to step out of my comfort zone.  I have great desire and strong intentions…yet I often find myself in the position of…not quite…not ready yet.  And then I get very frustrated with myself.


A step outside of one’s comfort zone is a step into a new territory where learning and growth can occur.  If we take too wide of a step, it can be a shock to our system, and we might even prevent ourselves from taking future risks if we are consumed by panic as we experience the completely unfamiliar, but a reasonably incremental step out of our comfort zones is good for our bodyspirits.

comfort zone

So the last two InterPlay classes were an important time for me to explore and process all of this, and I continue to work and play with it.  There are many ways, big and small, that I can step out of my comfort zone that would make a difference in the world…for others and for myself.  If I attend a meeting and don’t speak up, I have short-changed the group from my ideas and input…and I also leave with the feeling that I haven’t really given my all.  I don’t want to do that again.


That’s just one example.  There are many places in my life where I will focus on stepping out of my comfort zone as I move forward and take the wisdom from these InterPlay explorations with me.  Now it’s your turn:  What is out of your comfort zone?  What things do you hold back from doing?  Would you like to step out of your comfort zone?  How do you plan to go about this?  Please share in the comments below!